Thursday, September 3, 2015

Jerry Nadler - Traitor to America - Traitor to his people?


Dear Jerry Nadler, amv"sh (May you live to 120)

Let me remind you of Daniel Pearl's Last Words!

"My father's Jewish, my mother's Jewish, I'm Jewish"

Mr. Nadler, 

I imagine that you feel that this deal with Iran is a good one, or the best that America can offer,  otherwise you would not have said that you will vote for it. 

So let me bless you that you reap first hand what you sow for Israel and America. 

Actually, since I feel that this deal will put all of us, Israel and America in grave danger, I believe that I am actually cursing you.  I believe it is a curse to reap what you sow if you actually vote for this deal and choose your lot as an Obama Democrat. 

I doubt you really want to choose death by nukes or conventional weapons to the tune of 150 billion dollars or even with an unsophisticated beheading no different than Daniel Pearl, or perhaps hanging or stoning as is common practice in Iran or ISIS.  You know that you are a Kefir according to Islam.  Don't expect them to thank you for your vote....

The Democratic Party which you have chosen to be a partner has empowered both Iran and Isis to the point that they have acquired weapons of mass destruction on top of their arsenal of conventional weapons and has endangered humanity.  Hundreds of millions of refugees fleeing ISIS....All the Arab countries neighboring Iran actually befriending Israel...Saudi Arabia, Egypt...calling the USA their enemy. 

However, you can still change your mind and choose LIFE for humanity! 

I truly don't want you nor anyone, to experience first hand the natural consequences of your decision to support this.   

Dear Fellow Activists against the Hijacked Democratic Party!

Please call Jerry Nadler at 800-962-0442 and tell him to stand with America and Israel - NOT Iran!

You can also e-mail his office at:

Wishing you all a Kethiva VeCHathima Tova!  A Gut Gebentched Yar.  A Blessed New Year.

50 Reasons to Impeach... Oh Bomb Uh...

Actually if you google "Impeach Obama" you will find an awful number of links.  Do you really want to be part of his team????


Robin Ticker

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