Sunday, October 22, 2017



This was an amazing event in front of the Center of Jewish History on October 18th.

Qualitatively for sure.  

So proud of our team! It began with a massive radio campaign publicizing the protest.  Hundreds of thousands of listeners on radio and social media heard and saw the ad denouncing David Myers as the new CEO of the Center of Jewish History and it is now in people's conscience that there is a problem.  .

Let us keep the emails and phone calls to CJH coming.

Their choice of an anti Israel CEO is symptomatic of evil that has permeated our safe spaces, especially in educational institutions and neutral settings... In Europe, Civilization Jihad has advanced to a more aggressive stage, past education.. It starts with education, where suppression of pro Israel narrative is the norm and enforced, while hate speech against Israel is termed "free speech" and encouraged in the name of diversity.  In  Brooklyn College for example there is free speech for STUDENTS JUSTICE FOR PALESTINE lies and hate.  No free speech for Pro Israel Narrative from  David Horowitz Freedom center.

Students for Justice in Palestine Issue Demands for “Zionists Off Campus” at Brooklyn College

Once radical Islam is tolerated, and Islamaphobia considered a crime,  civilization Jihad then turns violent with no go zones and terror attacks on a regular basis..

Unfortunately, the leadership of the majority of Jews and those who sincerely love Israel don't really want to stop their day to day life and what they are doing to address this evil that is encroaching on them.... possibly because they too have been already infiltrated and don't have the backbone to fight it. It is strong Jewish leadership that can put an end to the general apathy.

This is a wake up call..

To Quote President Franklin D. Roosevelt "We have only just begun to fight!"

The protest delivered in front of the CJH was my kind of rally enhanced  with heartwarming music of  Pey Daled.  At this protest,  a deep love and yearning of Zion, of Yerushalayim and our Jewish Biblical Heritage was palpable. Our message in Manhattan that day was that our everlasting connection to our Biblical and Ancient Homeland Israel,  will not be uprooted and no academic institution nor PHD, no matter how prestigious nor sophisticated, can change that. 

Fellow Jews...How can we pray each and every day for our yearning to rebuild Jerusalem,  to return to Our Promised Land, to Zion G-d's Eternal Promise to the Nation of Israel, and not be horrified when an individual whose professional work has been to rewrite history to nullify G-d's Covenant with the Nation of Israel is chosen as CEO of the Center of Jewish History?

Surely in this respected position of leadership this CEO will misguide countless individuals who will trust what he says and believe his heresy.

We are witness to the hijacking of Jewish History.  Sadly, this Center of Jewish History and all its affiliates are losing credibility.  Sad to say,  PHD's  who take the side against G-d's Torah have lost our trust and respect.

To all the Major Jewish Organizations who are sitting by in silence, the infiltration of enemies of Israel is within our ranks. They control funding for important projects that benefits our communities.

Let us remind ourselves that there is an Almighty G-d who provides for our sustenance. Let us not put our Trust in Man because they are no Salvation. Let us put our Trust only in the One and Only G-d Almighty..

To remain Silent, not to speak out in protest,  is a Chillul Hashem, a desecration of G-d's name. It allows the false lie of Israel's Occupation of Palestinian Land to gain momentum and embed itself within our consciousness... it is an act of treason. .

If we fail to testify the Truth of Torah and our Jewish Heritage as per who has true entitlement  to the Land of Israel, won't we be Chayav BeDinei Shamayim, guilty in a Heavenly Court of a Chilul Hashem,  and be held accountable .. a terrible transgression which is very difficult to rectify.

If we on the other hand, light a candle of truth,  the World will be illuminated rather than eliminated. It is that serious. Failure to illuminate due to misplaced humbleness will result in catastrophic  consequences Chas veShalom!

The time has come for Israel and the Nation and People of Israel, now scattered across the globe to embrace its G-d given mission to be Reishis. To be First. This is consistent with the first Rashi of BeReishis.   Because if we Am Yisroel are too "humble" to take on our raison d'etres in this world, to be a Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadosh, a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation, another Reishis, (translation First), will take over. As we witnessed over 70 years ago in Nazi Germany. These are the Amalekites who are also called Reishis.  Radical Islam, embedded in Hamas,  Fatah, Al Qaida, Hizbollah, Isis, Iran Caliphate etc, are intent on the destruction of Israel and Western Civilization. They are  today's and yesterday's Amalek as they partnered with Hitler yemach shemo... May his name be erased! 

How are we so blind? Shochad MeAver Pikchim. I would check the money trail.

AFSIs Director,  Helen Freedman is truly one of the Nashim Tzadkaniyot, righteous women of our generation. 

It is due to women like Helen, that will make our generation worthy of the coming of Moshiach! 

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