Monday, November 5, 2018

Religious Jewish Leadership Probably Will Agree With This Message From Pastor John Hagee, Founder and Chairman CUFI on the importance of informed voting in Tomorrow's election that Represent Our Biblical Values and Supports Israel


When it comes to supporting Biblical Values and Support for Israel, Religious Jews and CUFI share common ground.

Message from From Pastor John Hagee, Founder and Chairman CUFI on the importance of informed voting in Tomorrow's election that Represent Our Biblical Values and Supports Israel
Dear Robin,
Tomorrow is a critical day for our country! Americans will go to the polls and choose thousands of leaders who will determine the course of our nation and its relationship with Israel.

As Americans, we are privileged to live in a country where we are free to choose our own leaders. The only way a democracy can function is if an informed citizenry gets out and votes.

As Christians, we are obligated to cast our votes prayerfully and to consider which candidates represent our biblical values. Every vote counts, and God can use even a single person to change the course of history. That person could be you.

Vote now and let your voice be heard

Critical pro-Israel legislation is in process in Congress. We need to ensure that the results of this election help push that legislation through to become law. If you do not use the power of your vote, it is possible that these bills could stall or be defeated in the next Congress.

Israel is also impacted by our votes at the state level. As anti-Israel activists try to push boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) here in America, it is our governors and our state legislatures who have the most power to stop these anti-Semitic attacks on the Jewish State. We need men and women elected at the national and state level who support Israel and stand for biblical values.

The Bible is the foundation for everything we believe and do as Christians. It is why we love the Jewish people and support the State of Israel. As Americans, God gave us the powerful gift of using our vote to speak out for what is right.

The Bible teaches, in Matthew 25:14-30, that God expects us to be wise stewards of the gifts He gives us. Having the ability to vote but instead choosing to stay home and not vote would be like the servant who buried his gift in the ground and wasted its potential. The Lord says if we do not use our gifts we will lose our gifts. In the same way, if we do not use our freedom to defend our freedom, we could lose our freedom.

On Election Day, we urge you to be good stewards of your gifts and to go vote for the future of America and Israel. Let us speak as one voice, as Christians United for Israel, to tell our nation and the world that America stands unequivocally with Israel and the God of Israel.

Thank you and blessings to you and those you love,

On Mon, Nov 5, 2018, 12:39 PM Robin Ticker < wrote:

Still not too late to influence the vote!

While Jews have been strongly encouraged to vote, most Jews do not have proper clarity  as per which candidate is on Israels side and who is on the side of Israel Enemies.

Some candidates have aligned themselves with blatant antiSemites. For example Kirsten Gillibrand running for US Senate. 

Even though New York is a Blue State, we should not have a defeatist attitude as it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. A strong vote against candidates who align themselves with Evil is a strong voice  of G-d fearing people !

Jewish Leadership need to see through the smokescreen and make sure the positions and voting records of these candidates are transparent and publicized before people go and vote and that voters are educated as per the candidates agenda and voting record.

WhatsApp chats and groups chats  should have posts which provide clarity because our collective vote affects Israel's very existence. This consideration must  override all others. Believing empty words of support and deception coming from our  enemies will be our downfall and  it must be exposed.

Questions like...Did they support the Iran Deal, are they Pro Choice pro Abortion pro Planned Parenthood, against vetting illegals with terror ties or those with a criminal  record from entering America? Did they Campaign with Linda Sarsour? Do they support White Supremacy?

These are red Flags that can not be ignored!!!!!

While Organizations are afraid of losing 501(c)(3) the people can not be left in the dark as it says לפני עיוור לא תתן מכשל
We can not be blinded nor put a stumbling block in front of people  who will mistakenly vote for candidates whose voting record endangers Jews, Israel, and America.

Fyi endorsements of FRJPAC. Why are these Democrats endorsed? Are they worthy? What is their voting record and who are their friends?

Fyi Religious Women Endorsements for State Senate. Basically vote Republican with some exceptions eg not Paladino..

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