Sunday, September 6, 2020

Fwd: Dov Hikind: 'Beyond comprehension' Biden met with a Farrakhan follower. My comments


Dov Hikind is venting. 

We need action not words.

Dov Hikind and all the elected DINOs (Democrat In Name Only), must unite  with a statement from the Agudah and OU. (These mainstream Jewish Organization were misadvised and have subtly and not so subtly encouraged Jews to register as Democrats.  They sat on the political fence with silence and offered no real guidance so as not to be 'political" and  in so doing, basically empowered keeping  evil Democrats with unGdly agendas in office.  There is now an overwhelming Democrat Council and Democrat Assembly in NY.  These numbers don't reflect nor represent their constituents.  The time is now to publicly make a statement that should have been made long ago and break away en masse. 

Yes it's incomprehensible. 

Agudah and OU have lost their leadership edge and respect.

DINOs are being hypocritical and deceitful by continuing to remain Democrats so long as the party has become genetically modified and evil, treasonous and unAmerican as they and we know to be true. The Emperor is wearing no clothes.

If there is no quid pro quo and I'll wash your hand if you wash mine  happening what explanation is there? It's incomprehensible.

It is sad to see sparks of holiness keeping this unG-dly party alive.

In the month of Elul we can do Teshuva.

Time to be willing to forego the $ from TeachNYS and stem and security and worthy JCC programs and other very worthy causes...and support a party and candidates  whose platform is consistent to Torah values. If these funds were indeed blood money as I suspect,  money coming from evil discretionary funds, money that bought silence from fighting the Iran Deal and came from partnering with the corrupt and evil Obama and Clinton administrations, it only brings curses on our people anyway. sad... Happening before our very eyes..

We reap what we sow and we must discredit and leave the "Democratic" party now. This will empower good over evil and help Republicans nationwide and with G-d's mercy help us in NY as well.

Petitions and kvetching are not the answer.

Otherwise like in Egypt we become enslaved to the point of no return and subject to  blackmail of the worst kind. 

Let's fight for a G-dly world and for the 7 Noahide Laws which the Democrats reject.

In that merit G-d will repay us in kind with a Decree of Life! 

It is our obligation as a Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadosh.

Not to do so is a void of G-dliness also known as a Chillul Hashem.

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