Sunday, November 29, 2015

Rabbi Moshe and Leah Goldsmith of Itamar visiting the USA and Tri STate Area! Let's spread out the RED carpet for them. Let Us Embrace Them! PLEASE invite them to speak at your shul in your community!


Rabbi Moshe and Leah Goldsmith of Itamar visiting the USA and Tri STate Area!

There are still available spots for speaking opportunities -anyone interested please contact them at –

Rabbi Moshe Goldmith emailed me:

On behalf of Itamar, I would greatly appreciate it if you can spread the word by emailing all your friends and relatives telling them to join our newsletter. We have little "sharing icons" on all our webpages to make it easy for you to spread the word. Of course, Facebook is a great tool for getting the word out.  

Ain Torah KeTorat Eretz Yisroel!  No Torah can compare to the Torah of Eretz Yisroel!  Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith and his dear wife Leah brings us the Torah of Eretz Yisroel.  Their words are Gems! The Land is Precious! They are here to share these Jewels with us in Chutz LeAretz.  How are we so blind not to take advantage????

MUST WATCH AND READ! In Parshat Vayishlach Rabbi Goldsmith talk's about Gid Hanashe and the commandment not to eat from the Gid Hanashe. 
Gid hanasheh (Hebrew: גִּיד הַנָּשֶׁה‎) is the term for sciatic nerve in Judaism. It may not be eaten by Jews according to Halacha (Jewish Law). The laws of prohibition regarding the gid hanasheh are found in Masechet Chullin (Hullin) Perek 7.

This according to the Midrash,  was to correct the sin of Yaakov's sons who let him travel alone at night thereby subjecting him to fight the Sar shel Eisav, Eisav's protecting angel, on his own.  This commandment was to remind them and future generations, us,  to feel the pain of Yaakov now limping as result of his struggle with the Sar of Eisav.  Surely this is a hint to us here in Chutz Learetz not to abandon our brothers and sisters, few in number,fighting the modern day Sar of Eisav. Not only do the residents of Judea and Samaria, H-ly Jews,  struggle daily with blood thirsty terrorists, they fight slander, false reports, global lies, directed against them. This slander, fuels terror and attempts to destroy the economy of Judea and Samaria as well as the economy of Israel. 

After this struggle with the Sar of Eisav, Yaakov Avinu's name was changed from Yaakov to Yisroel by the Sar of Eisav to show that even though it appeared that Yaakov received the birthright deceptively, as is hinted in his name Yaakov which means crooked, not straight, he is entitled to this birthright because it is Yasher, righteous and straight as is hinted in his new name Yisroel!

When we are judged in a heavenly court, as we all are, we don't want to be ashamed, how come we failed to partner and to give Chizuk with our brothers and sisters in Judea and Samaria? What will we answer when they ask us "Were we Chazaq and did we fight strong and proud against the Sar of Eisav in our time?  Did we proclaim CHOFETZ CHAIM,  we Choose Life to Israel in response to the chants Death, Death to Israel and Intifada, Intifada!!!!?" 

Let us hope and pray that we do not abandon our brothers and sisters in their hour of need and we bring Nachat Ruach to our Father in Heaven as they did at the Litman, Biegel wedding,where the Chatan and Kallah were residents of Judea and Samaria.  At this wedding, Am Yisreol, danced in Unity, Dati Leumi, Charedi and Chiloni, a dance to heal the painful wound, to right a wrong, to overcome the Sar of Eisav collectively.  This is the proper Tikkun, Beezrat Hashem,  to own up to our collective abandonment of the Settlement community by allowing and leaving the struggle of the powerful Sar of Eisav to them alone. 

The Litman Biegel Wedding!!! Mazel Tov!!!

As Sarah Techiya cried out at the Shiva, ..."The pain is just so great," she said. "I want to tell our leaders that there are many ways to kill – with a knife, a gun, or a rifle, and with an ambulance, such as the one of the Red Crescent Society that refused to stop for us.
'We don't deserve this'
"There is no security here in Kiryat Arba," she said. "My father would always take a gun with him when he left town, and we always had to figure out when a bulletproof bus would come by. We don't deserve this. The Land of Israel belongs to us and we should be able to live here proudly. The Palestinians do not deserve to be able to so confidently move around. They drive like animals, and there is no enforcement of traffic laws. That, too, is a way to murder someone."

Torah Portions: Videos and Essay

Parashar Vayishlach  Video – A Dance in Unity
Parashat Vayishlach  Essay– A Display of Unity
Parashat Toldot  Video– An Upside Down World
Parashat Toldot – Essay – "The Kosher Pig

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