Thursday, November 19, 2015

Re: Being thrown out of Park Slope Food Coop - BDS vs BSD


Dear Members of the Park Slope Food Coop and Barbara Mazor of

I see no reason to remove the page nor any links on twitter or fb  addressing what happened in the food Coop meeting and what followed the meeting.  I have recently updated this link to include videos of BDS disruptions of freedom of speech on college campus. It is quite clear from these videos that in fact  BDS interrupters have trail-blazed the way for the stifling of free speech.  It is precisely for this reason they must be disciplined and their agenda exposed.  Since their agenda is based on lies and falsehoods and to support and abet terror, they should be disciplined, thrown out of the COOP and if not, disrupters of  BDS presentations should be applauded and encouraged!  The BDS group deserve far worse than disruptions for their support of Intifada! The recent terror attacks, mostly in Judea and Samaria, territories that they call the "occupied West Bank" 0ver 270 terror attacks in just the week of Nov 20, 2015 through Nov 27,2015 alone, is justified according to their poisonous BDS Narrative. Please note that most of the terrorists were Israeli Palestinian kids, many of whom were in no way deprived especially compared to Arabs in other Arab countries,  many of them teens brought up nurtured on lies and hate very similar to BDS propaganda giving them license to commit suicide,  murder and kill innocent men, women and children old and young alike, and call it "armed struggle against the evil occupation for the sake of Allah".  It is pure evil!

We welcome that Park Slope Food Coop lifted the suspension against the 4 members of the Coop.  We understand that there are those who would prefer this not be publicized. This should just be the beginning.  We greatly appreciate your efforts in this regard. We strongly feel that negative publicity  about the BDS group and those who help their agenda is instrumental in getting the suspension lifted so quickly.

Our goal is not merely to reinstate those unfairly suspended. However, it is a welcome development.    

The goal is to address BDS in the Park Slope Food COOP and to stop their BDS poison and that only happens with education and when freedom of speech is not hampered! 

 It may cause some backlash and we must brace ourselves. Not run from it!

If my post is harmful for them then it is because they are reaping what they sowed. 

I see no reason to hide the facts as they are.  We have just begun to scratch the surface. The disciplinary committee was overzealous and they are not blameless. But they are not the root of the matter as you yourself suggest.  However it is good to make amends when one is at fault. 

So we have yet to come to the root of the problem..... Where is the oversight on those who choose the agenda for the COOP? What is stopping them from inserting their personal poisonous agenda of BDS on the Coop membership?

The Correction:

Promoting Jewish settlement, and featuring the Jewish farmers and their families in  Judea and Samaria, would be a welcome and refreshing item that should be scheduled as one of the Coop upcoming events, and featured in their newspaper. You, I understand also agree.  It will show that indeed the Coop board is open and not biased nor anti-Semitic nor anti-Zionist and they welcome freedom of speech!

The event should not be disrupted and all the disciplinary rules should be put into effect if any of the BDS people choose to come and disrupt. Let them be suspended and then expelled from the Coop if they disrupt such a pro Israel event.  And my guess is that they will come and harass because they can't tolerate free speech.  We on the other hand believe we have very good reason to disrupt poisonous BDS material on the Agenda and the two sides are not morally equivalent!  

We are not naive and can expect from their past history that they will come to disrupt good ideology. 

Case in point... Has any pro Judea and Samaria event such as this one ever been scheduled at the Park Slope Food Coop?????  I am confident to guess that you never tried because it would be labeled as inflammatory....Please prove me wrong and I will be happy to admit I made a mistake. And if they came and disrupted,would you be as aggressive and suspend them as you did our group?

It is our position that the disruption against the BDS presenters was a positive action needed to remove a dangerous agenda. 

All would agree that poison should not be ingested especially in an organic Food Coop GM meeting.   

So I reiterate.  The matter at hand is not whether or not there was a disruption but whether or not the BDS agenda of the GM meeting was poisonous
... and that is our position...-
so, if this being the case,  how did it get on the agenda in the first place.  There are surely individuals high up in the food coop management pushing the BDS agenda.... Why????

It is also our position that the Promotion of Judea and Samaria and their products is wholesome and healthy and should be encouraged! Anyone looking at the reality with an open mind will agree.  

If we succeed merely to annul the suspension there is nothing that will stop the poison to resurface other than the fact that their BDS agenda is exposed and attacked.  They will surely claim to be the horrible victim of "Israel Occupation lovers" as they will label us. They will claim to feel unsafe in the Coop etc. as they did in their report even though there was no physical violence whatsoever as you yourselves admitted.   

And if you argue they are primarily interested in social justice, let us arrange for an open and fair discussion.  Those in favor of Jewish Settlement in Judea and Samaria will show that according to the Bible, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has designated the Land of Israel to the Nation of Israel as the intended recipient and fulfillment of G-d's Promise. 

We can discuss the teachings of Mohammad and Mohammad as a role model in today's Muslim society. A world today of devout Muslims who behead, rape and pedophile. A theological discussion with the backdrop of what ISIS has been doing to the Yezidi and Christian communities and the recent terror attack in Paris. . 

This of course is their biggest fear.  Because their ultimate goal is to stifle such an agenda. 

If the Coop is unable to have open discussions without fear of attack or harassment on the Pro Israel and Pro Judea and Samaria supporters who then feel unsafe and unwelcome for good reason, and if the Coop is unwilling to discipline these agitators,  than we will not be deterred....   

Let us take this opportunity to finally right a wrong that has been perpetrated against Israel and against the good farmers settling the Holy Land, once again making the desert bloom...who have been slandered and physically attacked justified by those who claim their armed struggle is justified in the face of "unlawful Occupation" of Israel. 

BDS and Muslim victimhood and unlawful Occupation vs Israel's entitlement to Settle it's Biblical Homeland Judea and Samaria

Furthermore, it will be proven without a shadow of a doubt that BDS is out to destroy the livelihoods of law abiding, productive, honest families living in Judea and Samaria and that these law abiding productive and honest farmers have much to offer the world and the COOP in particular. when it comes to organic farming. 

 Not visa versa cause BDS has nothing to offer except misplaced BDS anger.  

Economically, those that live in peace with the farmers in Judea and Samaria have much to gain as did those Arabs who were employed in Gush Katif before it was uprooted (for absolutely no good reason and southern Israel was subsequently subjected to hostile ongoing rocket attacks in place of blooming, beautiful neighboring Jewish farming communities).  

The Palestinians employed by Soda Stream had it much better than the Arabs who worked for Arabs and that is a fact.  Many Palestinians were put out of business by the BDS campaign. The BDS agenda isn't really concerned about employment of Arabs nor about healthy organic eating....  Just about ruining employment of Jews and ruining the economy of Israel! 

The BDS agenda is out to financially destroy anyone in Judea and Samaria and Israel and Israel's economy who dare to proudly say we are here to stay and we have Divine entitlement!  Israel is just the canary and the rest of the world is the their ultimate goal!!!!

PS: Please let the Park Slope Food COOP know that  we believe in freedom of speech and that no one has control over what is posted on twitter, fb or website regarding this matter.

Again Yasher Koach on all your excellent Pro Israel Activism and may we be united in standing strong for a United Israel which encompasses Judea and Samaria the Biblical heartland and of course our very H-ly Temple Mount, Jerusalem our yearnings and aspirations as a Nation, the Jewish people for thousands of years....

Thanks and KT!



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